Posts Tagged ‘scientific methodology’


There are two types of electromagnetic spectrum energy momentums – steady flow and explosive flow.

All energy diminishes from high to low – that is a simply fact of nature and is seen in countless examples. The energy from the sun decreases as it leaves the source and so does each star and each energy phenomenon occurring in the universe. Examples are everywhere even in the vacuum of space – which we were told enables energy to go on forever (but not supported by the observations or measurements.)

I already coined a word astromeinradiation for the recording of diminishing and remanent energies from a distance source. Now I am designing another word “dynascale” for the explosive flow.

From the Greek root words:
dyna = power
scal = ladder, stairs

Dynascale radiation is the electromagnetic spectrum fingerprint of a high energy explosive event. Read the rest of this entry »


Phenomenalism from the Greek phainomenon (appearance) philosophically means any system of thought that has to with appearances.   “The difficulties present in the dualism of phenomenon and object have led a number of philosophers to the position of phenomenalism.” [Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion Eastern and Western Thought, W.L. Reese, Humanities Press]

If the descriptions and conclusions for an observation are altered in any way by conditions of perception due to phenomenalism, discombobulating science is created.  To discombobulate is to become confused or stymied.  Phenomenalism is a problem in astrophysics that leads to science going down the wrong path that causes confusion and stifles the true nature found in cosmology.

Phenomenalism is hardly recognized in scientific methodology for understanding the universe and I propose we develop and build a new branch of scientific methodology specifically called Astrophysics Phenomenalism to explore, identify and recognize the causes and effects that produce phenomenalism. Read the rest of this entry »


The Big Bang Universe contains a lot of conceptual problems which are generally supported by scientific consensus but if investigated there are flimsy underlying assumptions, conflicting interconnecting theories, and unexplainable abnormalities.

When one model of the universe is disposed of – it must be replaced by another.  I propose for critical examination what I call the 3D Expanding Universe. 

The foundational footings for launching the theory are a set of observation principles and two crucial experiments also known as critical experiments or by the Latin term experimentum crucis.

In science the conclusions from crucial experiment results are to enable the scientific community to decisively decide between two competing theories, falsify other interconnecting models, account for existing abnormalities, and provide measurable predictions.

The observation principles are tools that give greater understanding for making proper conclusions or likely assumptions for an earth observer to use.  

The 3D Expanding Universe is a universe that expands into infinity that is creating larger and larger worlds that are observable and supported by advance scientific methodologies that will be explained in greater detail by content publishing in this website, Google+ and open science portals such as Figshare.


Theoretical physics with observational abnormalities, list of unsolved mysteries, physical paradoxes, or no-way physics type explanations are areas where one could apply scientific methodologies using the science method and scientifically falsify and/or make a scientific discovery.

The first step would be to ask the questions such as, where are the admitted problems that need solving, or what are the abnormalities known, or what needs more clarification, and spend a lot of time researching those areas.  Gather up related data to increase your knowledge and provide that opportunity for an eureka moment or a systematic solution. Read the rest of this entry »


Creating a scientific revolution involves throwing out a spate of new ideals into the arena that includes – new guiding principles to use, new observations offered, revised or new conclusions stated, new laws realized, and explicit clarity for professional standards.

The first blog from 2010 that I wrote,  The Term Universe is Ambiguous & should be Scientifically Redefined, suggested 4 different classifications useful for scrutiny and critical analysis to determine the quality of the description and workings for the universe.   The 4th classification, The Mathematical Proposed Universe was, “This universe is purely exploratory mathematics; such as string theory, some aspects of quantum mechanics, and others.”

Let’s talk of clarity to determine what function mathematics provides in cosmology. Read the rest of this entry »


As a person interested in astronomy and astrophysics (or any science) there are various reasons why you would want to develop a research project.

Academically it is very important, but personally scientific research is exciting and there is an endless supply of topics to research and discover.  Not only is it exciting personally but there is a huge market potential if the public is made to be interested in it.

How can you make money with the science of astronomy or astrophysics?  Pick a subject and research it – write e-books, publish science papers, network with other liked minded people, get an academic advancement,  make a documentary,  start a new career, win the Nobel prize, the list goes on to develop into something very interesting and rewarding. Read the rest of this entry »


A scientist makes an observation and notices a problem or tries to answer the questions of why and how.  

Timothy Ferris said in his 1997 book The Whole Shebang- A State-Of-The Universe(s) Report, “Science is not a static body of dogma, to stray from which is to risk one’s epaulets stripped off in a ceremony of banishment from the scientific community.  It is a self-correcting system of inquiry, in which errors – of which there are, of course, plenty – are sooner or later detected by experiment or by more careful analysis.”

A scientist can make a discovery, or develop a new model.  Timothy Ferris also said in his book, “Through astrophysics, it became possible to go beyond describing how the sky looks and to begin learning how it got to be that way.”

Astronomers that want to go beyond observations in the visual can do astronomy and astrophysics by the scientific method and create new science several different ways.  They can notice a problem or ask the questions why or how.  They support a hypothesis by gathering quantitative and qualitative data form observations and by using problem solving techniques and critical thinking to support conclusions to test new or present theories. 

To start the process, use critical thinking and the scientific method to support why and how.  Alternatively see a problem and seek the solution by designing experiments and/or gather data to support a hypothesis. 

When one wants to contribute a new theory or model they must formulate a hypothesis and test it by experiments and gather data to support the conclusion(s).  The data is analyzed and interpreted which supports the hypothesis or rejects the hypothesis which will require the hypothesis to be modified. 

This website supports open access science and public collaboration vs the old system of peer review.  You are a scientist too – You are an astrophysicist too – You are an astronomer too – add your comments, make your contributions with open access science and public collaboration.  Together we can construct a new scientific revolution to open up a new Universe unknown to previous generations.


This website is to get off the ground a scientific revolution to change the perceptions of the detectable Universe.  I plan to start that (soon after a foundation is laid) by introducing a critical experiment (experimentum crucis) in the electromagnetic spectrum. 

I will develop and teach how to make new discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics using science discovery methodologies to validate or falsify present or future hypothesises, models, theories, and/or claims as part of a foundation.

I will also promote a new concept of open access science and public collaboration vs the old method of peer review. 

Understanding the results of the critical experiment has been the key to unlock many mysteries of the Universe (that presently perplex the scientific community) which will be revealed as the blog content grows.

I ask you to join me in this journey of scientific revolution and discovery as we lay down together the foundation for science to progress to new heights.

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