The Big Bang Universe contains a lot of conceptual problems which are generally supported by scientific consensus but if investigated there are flimsy underlying assumptions, conflicting interconnecting theories, and unexplainable abnormalities.

When one model of the universe is disposed of – it must be replaced by another.  I propose for critical examination what I call the 3D Expanding Universe. 

The foundational footings for launching the theory are a set of observation principles and two crucial experiments also known as critical experiments or by the Latin term experimentum crucis.

In science the conclusions from crucial experiment results are to enable the scientific community to decisively decide between two competing theories, falsify other interconnecting models, account for existing abnormalities, and provide measurable predictions.

The observation principles are tools that give greater understanding for making proper conclusions or likely assumptions for an earth observer to use.  

The 3D Expanding Universe is a universe that expands into infinity that is creating larger and larger worlds that are observable and supported by advance scientific methodologies that will be explained in greater detail by content publishing in this website, Google+ and open science portals such as Figshare.

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