Posts Tagged ‘energy detection’


“Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. “ (Habkkuk 2:2 Holy Bible KJV)

Astrophysics and particle science today is largely created by theorists who mathematically create their visions for models, theories, and hypothesizes and expect experimenters to confirm that their equations and formulates are correct. However in the end; the correct observational conclusion is the main ultimate decisive factor determining if the vision is correct, because if the conclusions made are wrong then the theory is also wrong.

What are the observations telling us, and are the parameters used for making the conclusions correct?  Fundamental concepts for the real nature of energy, the misunderstanding of gravity, the complexity of light, and miscalculation of what is time, has caused misunderstanding and led scientific conclusions astray that leads into a scientific field that can be categorized as no-way science.

What is the direction the Universe is going into?  Is the vision of an expanding cloud that is speeding away at a faster rate at the edges that even tugs at light to stretch it as portrayed by present conclusions or is it really something else that is based on a sure foundation supported by known laws of physics? Read the rest of this entry »


There are two types of electromagnetic spectrum energy momentums – steady flow and explosive flow.

All energy diminishes from high to low – that is a simply fact of nature and is seen in countless examples. The energy from the sun decreases as it leaves the source and so does each star and each energy phenomenon occurring in the universe. Examples are everywhere even in the vacuum of space – which we were told enables energy to go on forever (but not supported by the observations or measurements.)

I already coined a word astromeinradiation for the recording of diminishing and remanent energies from a distance source. Now I am designing another word “dynascale” for the explosive flow.

From the Greek root words:
dyna = power
scal = ladder, stairs

Dynascale radiation is the electromagnetic spectrum fingerprint of a high energy explosive event. Read the rest of this entry »


Phenomenalism from the Greek phainomenon (appearance) philosophically means any system of thought that has to with appearances.   “The difficulties present in the dualism of phenomenon and object have led a number of philosophers to the position of phenomenalism.” [Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion Eastern and Western Thought, W.L. Reese, Humanities Press]

If the descriptions and conclusions for an observation are altered in any way by conditions of perception due to phenomenalism, discombobulating science is created.  To discombobulate is to become confused or stymied.  Phenomenalism is a problem in astrophysics that leads to science going down the wrong path that causes confusion and stifles the true nature found in cosmology.

Phenomenalism is hardly recognized in scientific methodology for understanding the universe and I propose we develop and build a new branch of scientific methodology specifically called Astrophysics Phenomenalism to explore, identify and recognize the causes and effects that produce phenomenalism. Read the rest of this entry »

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