Posts Tagged ‘redshift’


The Doppler Effect for the redshifting of light observed from the Universe is one of the two pillars used to support the Big Bang Theory.  The other is the observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation which was predicted to exist in 1948 and then in 1965, found to exist, to which in 1978 the discoverers received the Nobel Prize for Physics.

One of the problems of the Big Bang theory is the rewind calculates into an unrealistic, unbelievable, and outrageous mathematical reality that says the creation of this Universe started from the size smaller than a pea and remarkably somehow expanded by a process called inflation to the size it is today in 35th billionth of a second.

Also there are still the undiscovered theoretical existence of dark matter and dark energy to substantiate the Doppler Effect as the reason for the Redshift. Common sense and logic says the jury should be out until these two supporting missing pieces for the puzzle are confirmed with certainly before the Big Bang can be called a theory.  It is a fact that no matter how hard standard cosmology scientists try to make the Big Bang into a theory, it’s only a working model that tries to make the redshifting observed fit into a working mathematical equation that is unrealistic, improbable, and flawed because by most scientific definitions, fundamentally unsupportable. Read the rest of this entry »


“Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. “ (Habkkuk 2:2 Holy Bible KJV)

Astrophysics and particle science today is largely created by theorists who mathematically create their visions for models, theories, and hypothesizes and expect experimenters to confirm that their equations and formulates are correct. However in the end; the correct observational conclusion is the main ultimate decisive factor determining if the vision is correct, because if the conclusions made are wrong then the theory is also wrong.

What are the observations telling us, and are the parameters used for making the conclusions correct?  Fundamental concepts for the real nature of energy, the misunderstanding of gravity, the complexity of light, and miscalculation of what is time, has caused misunderstanding and led scientific conclusions astray that leads into a scientific field that can be categorized as no-way science.

What is the direction the Universe is going into?  Is the vision of an expanding cloud that is speeding away at a faster rate at the edges that even tugs at light to stretch it as portrayed by present conclusions or is it really something else that is based on a sure foundation supported by known laws of physics? Read the rest of this entry »


There is the present hypothesis that space is expanding and that light gets stretched into the red. This hypothesis has been developed from Hubble’s Law which is considered to be the measurement of light being stretched into the red as space is expanding.  A whole field of “weird or strange” science has been developed from this conclusion such as the metric expansion of space, the sure evidence for the big bang model, and more.

The Red Shift Theory (see video below) developed from the conclusions of the LED experiment shows us that light energy detected is either weak or strong.   In the visual electromagnetic spectrum blue light is a higher energy light colour and the weakest energy colour light is red.  The light energy from distance objects seen is weaker thus red.

I submit a new hypothesis (for testing) gained from understanding the LED experiment results: The cosmological redshift and the redshift  is not caused from space expanding that stretches light or the Doppler Effect for distance objects but because the energy detected is weaker. Read the rest of this entry »

The Discovery of the Red Shift Theory

To mankind the Doppler Effect seemed to be the only cause for the red shift, but there were the abnormalities that didn’t add up. For me it was; I perceived a different expanding universe (which will be scientifically explained later to replace the Big bang) that was not an expanding cloud that was speeding away at an increasing rate at the edges.  I tried to fit the model of the redshift described into the new model of the true expanding universe but could not make it fit. Read the rest of this entry »

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